We have over a decade of hands on experience in affordable workspace operations and city regeneration projects, combined with a background in urban planning, arts curation and trend forecasting.

Andrew Cribb

Andrew is a thought leader and sought-after advisor on using commercial space for public good. He has a unique combination of a background in urban planning and hands on operational experience. He has advised companies such as Barclays Bank on how to reimagine the use of their branch space, the UK government on how to unlock their properties for startups and community use, Peabody HA on a new in-house affordable workspace product, and Lendlease on inclusive development.

Andrew is an expert in feasibility analysis, supporting clients to explore different operating models and ways to deliver value and strategic objectives for a range of properties and places. As co-founder and CEO of 3Space he has implemented workspace operating models such as International House in Brixton that benefit landlords, government, occupiers and the community; mixing grassroots and experimental activity with private business.

He has developed new business models which deliver commercial returns along with significant social and local economic benefits for a diverse range of projects such as a former carpark for Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, the heritage listed Engine Works for Worcester City Council and a former department store in Peterborough for Peterborough Council.

He is also a qualified Urban Planner and has worked in policy, infrastructure & regeneration in UK and Australia. He also holds an MBA with a major in entrepreneurship, is a Fellow of the RSA, and a board member for the Brixton BID. Andrew has spoken at conferences on topics from real estate to policy to innovation.

Andrew has recently opened the REDO office in Melbourne where he is working with UK collaborators to bring our ideas and experience to Australian cities.

Harry Owen-Jones

Harry’s work is focused on helping the public and third sector deliver economic and social value through assets under their ownership and influence. He has been involved in the full life-cylce of delivering affordable workspace and community infra-structure from strategy and policy work through to feasibility, procurement, mobilisation and operation. He enjoys working collaboratively with local government, architects, designers, economists and urban researchers. 

As well as working as a Director for REDO, Harry is also an experienced workspace operator who is one of the co-founders of the property charity 3Space and is still active in managing the organisation. Over the past 13 years 3Space has operated 45 units across the UK across a range of different typologies with a varied sector focus. The flagship project 3Space has delivered and that is still operational today is International House in Brixton, an award winning workspace that brings together public sector, early stage enterprise, cultural provision and civic functions. The project was nomiated for 3 NLA Awards winning the Meanwhile category. It has been cited internationally as an example of best practise and has recently been written up for De Arcitect Magazine. 

 Through delivering affordable workspace Harry has an innate understanding of how to secure the right space on the right terms through policy and has recently worked on Affordable Workspace Strategies and Studies for LB Camden, OPDC & Ealing, LB Lewisham and LB Waltham Forest.

 Harry has also worked extensively on feasibility studies for assets in public ownership with a focus on adaptive re-use. Examples have ranged from former civic centres and offices to car parks, large town centre retail units, undercrofts, industrial buildings and brownfield sites. This has sometimes meant considering units as part of a portfolio for LB Newham (Spaces for Enterprise), LB Wandsworth & Richmond (Portfolio Analysis) and RB Kensington & Chelsea (Public Value Asset Management Study) as well as Harry leading multi-disciplinary teams to consider specific asset opportunities for LB Hammersmith & Fulham (Zero Coomer Place), Pereborough City Council (The Vine) and Milton Keynes Development Partnership (Milton Keynes Innovation Hub).

 As well as working on feasibility studies, Harry has also helped charities and Housing Assoications manage the assets in their portfolio. He has recently helped the homlesness charity All People All Places secure funding to search for a new day centre and continues to provide support. He has also worked for the Westwat Trust on an Asset Management Strategy and the South Kilburn Trust on their Operational Model.

Harry is currently interested in how the voluntary carbon offest markets could be delivered through Local Carbon Offset Funds with the public sector playing an active role in localising impact and oversight.

Henry Mason

Henry is a world-leading expert on consumer trends, innovation and understanding how to think about what is coming next. 

In his capacity as Managing Director of the global boutique content and advisory firm TrendWatching, he has delivered over 100 keynote presentations and workshops in over 30 countries. He has directly advised the C-suites of some of the world’s largest multinationals in many sectors, from Calvin Klein, HP, J&J, Costa, Mastercard, the Tata Group and many more, on their trend and innovation strategies. He has literally written the book on Trend-Driven Innovation.   

Henry co-founded 3Space back in 2010, when the idea of generating social value from empty property was considered a radical solution. Henry started his career at KPMG where he qualified as an accountant and worked in the company’s Financial Services Transaction Services team. He may be one of the few accountants to be featured in GQ’s Most Connected Men in Britain 2016, is a guest lecturer at HEC Business School and is also a fellow of the RSA.